Rock and Roll For The Rest of Us
Mellow by day, Crunchy at Night
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I'm glad you could join me! This is Twisted Dave, and you've found my station. Congrats, by the way - this isn't some
commercial venture, just me setting up a personalized place to listen to the music I love.
The station name comes from the EarthZero Evolution novels I cowrote with Todd King,
and it was established to provide a home for Twisted Dave's Mile High Show - a weekly program where I spin
an eclectic mix of rock, prog, and metal. When not broadcasting live, EarthZero serves up a rich, automated collection
of music from the past seven decades. Several daily & weekly programs offer a selection of everything from the Beatles
to today's heaviest Metal. EarthZero is small, with only a few listeners - sometimes it's just me here.
I don't play the same limited playlist as commercial broadcast stations - I play a little of everything
(including extended cuts by old prog bands)!
This is a fledgling station, and I'm still finding and correcting bugs - one of which is the redirect from the album links to here.
I'm not exactly sure how I will do that - though the option to embed art for all the covers of all the albums into the folders is not appealing -
especially since this isn't really a functioning commercial radio station. Otherwise I'd have a non-existent intern to do it and pay them from all the
non-existent money coming from the non-existent advertisers. And there's my existential crisis of the day. But by all means, send an
e-mail if you notice
anything that can be improved.