About EarthZero Radio

The Concept Behind the Station EarthZero Radio is a ShoutCast station, established to provide a home for Twisted Dave’s Mile High Show. One of the perks of having a dedicated station is the ability to stream music 24/7, as well as being able to program scheduled playlists during times when it’s not possible to have a live stream. There are lots of possibilities, just like there is a bit of work to maintaining it. My goal is to provide lots of cool programming, keep the ads to a minimum, and maximize the music. But how?

Relax Charlie, I've got an angle Actually, I have several. Obviously, funding the station is a priority, so I’ve joined Amazon’s Affiliate program. This makes sense, because part of what happens on a music streaming server is a service (in this case, Amazon) provides images of the album covers, along with a link for listeners to buy the albums for the songs being played – and if someone clicks on those links and then buys something, I get a small commission. Those images won't be available until I actually become an approved affiliate by selling a few things from the Featured Page, so I'm going to rotate a selection of products there as well. I’m thinking it will be a fairly rare occurrence for people to actually buy music from the Album links on the station, but I want to give listeners the option. And let me be clear: I don't want anyone to feel obligated to buy from these links. I want you to love what I'm playing.

Other Plans One of the cool things I have planned is featuring artists, both on the station and on this site. I’ll include links to the artists’ CDs and merchandise on Amazon, plus things that I think are cool finds or good deals. Again, there is no real profit in this, but the reason I do this is the same reason I write, or do anything, really – I enjoy doing it. Music is a passion that has never failed me, and it’s my hope that in sharing it, you’ll find enjoyment as well.

But What is EarthZero About? After leaving NASA in 2014, one of my good friends there approached me about thoughts for a writing project. Todd King is also an excellent writer and roleplaying game designer, so it was a natural fit for us to work together. So we formed Anshadar, our e-publishing business and started writing. Our idea for a series about a cosmic-level simulation seemed like an opportunity to tell a great story. And what a story it is. In the section below, you'll find descriptions of the books. And of course, they are available on Amazon.